Saturday, January 20, 2007

Why Haligonians Rock (Part 73)

After another hard day of being your faithful blogger (cry me a river, right?), I decided to pay a visit to one of this city's more popular 'establishments' the other night.
Turns out there was a $5 cover charge to be paid and, wouldn't you know it, I had exactly three dollars in change in my pocket (debit cards are my life). When I told that to the security guy inside the 'establishment,' he suggested I go talk to one of the bouncers outside.
After explaining my dilemma, the bouncer pulled a $20 bill out of his wallet, handed it to me and said 'just bring me back the change.'
Wait a minute, it gets better.
The lovely young woman collecting the cover hands me back the change — a ten and some coins — and I return it to the bouncer with gratitude. He hands me back the coins and says 'buy yourself a couple of drinks.'
When I related this tale to a couple of local volunteers the next day, the answer was the same: Hey, we're Maritimers.
Yes, they are. The finest people in Canada, I say.
And they keep reminding me why every day I'm here.

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